Kathy Conzelman

Kathy grew up in rural Olympia and enjoyed taking snapshots with her dad’s cameras and making pencil drawings, pen and ink sketches, and linoleum cut prints. She took some art classes in high school, and has always enjoyed creative expression in some way shape or form. It wasn’t until after college that she took up photography as a hobby.

She and her husband made Enumclaw home in 1984 and once their daughter flew the nest, photography became the creative passion of choice. She began photographing simple, everyday scenes in nature and daily life that caught her eye and touched her heart.

Kathy is known for her hummingbird photography and it has been noted she will wait for hours to get a special shot. Whatever her subject matter, she seeks to capture more than a moment in time, and hopes her images connect you to something deeper, beyond what you see with your eyes, and invites you to experience the wonder and awe of creation.

Kathy is happy to do custom print orders in other sizes or mediums than those on display at The Gallery, in addition to images found her on her website, www.simplykmcphotos.com

Her work has been published in The Sun Magazine, Orion Magazine, and F2CameraCraft and she has been the guest artist at Proctor Art Gallery in Tacoma.

Kathy is an active member of Rainier Hills Photography Club and volunteers her skills with non profit groups such as Arts Alive!, Here and Now Project, and more recently The Soule Foundation Dwight Johnson Memorial Golf Tournament.

Contact: simplykmcphotos@gmail.com.